Helping Hand

Welcome To Helping Hand Class!

A course of study designed for children 9 years of age or in grade four. They learn how to lend a helping hand in serving Jesus at home, school and in the community.

Program Goals
  1. Demonstrate God’s love for children.
  2. Promote the values expressed in the Adventurer Pledge and Law.
  3. Create an environment where all children can contribute.
  4. Encourage children to have fun.

Investiture Requirements


I. Recite the Adventurer Pledge and Law.

II. Explain the Law.

III. Complete the Helping Hand Reading award.


I. God’s Plan to Save Me

A. Create a story chart or lapbook showing the order in which these stories took place:

  • Noah—Water cleans the earth
  • Abraham—God calls a people
  • Moses—A promised land for God’s people
  • David—God works with His people
  • Daniel—God’s people disobey

 OR the Bible stories you are studying in school or Sabbath School. 

B. Use your story chart or lapbook to show someone how to live for God.

II. God’s Message to Me

Complete the Bible II award.

III. God’s Power in My Life

A. Spend regular quiet time with Jesus to talk with Him and learn about Him. Journal your time by writing, drawing, or recording a video.

B. With an adult, choose one thing in your life which Jesus has promised to help you improve. With His help, pray, plan, and work together to reach your goal.


I. I Am Special

A. List some special interests and abilities God has given you.

B. Share your talents using one of the following:

  • Talent show
  • Show and tell

II. I Can Make Wise Choices

A. Learn the steps of good decision‑making.

B. Use them to solve two real-life problems.

III. I Can Care for My Body

Complete the Hygiene award.


I. I Have a Family

Make a scrapbook or picture book about your family history.

II. Family Members Care for Each Other

Help plan a special family worship, family night, or family outing.

III. My Family Helps Me Care for Myself

Complete a level 3 or 4 award not previously earned.


I.  The World of Friends

 Complete the Caring Friend award.

II.  The World of Other People

  Complete the Country Fun award.

III. The World of Nature

Complete the Environmentalist award.

Additional Helping Hand Awards