Adventurer Uniform

Adventurer Uniform

The uniform makes the Adventurer Club real to its members, especially the children. The uniform becomes an emblem of a standard, builds loyalty to the cub, and brings members into a sense of community. The uniform should always be neat, clean, and worn with pride.

Class "A" Dress Uniform

  • Regular Adventurer meetings (as designated on the schedule)
  • Special services (Induction, Adventurer Day, Investiture, etc.)
  • Public gathering when any or all act as:
    •  Messengers
    • Ushers
    • Guards of honor
    • Color guards
  • When the club participates in community service activities, such as Ingathering, distributing food baskets, delivering bouquets, passing out literature, and singing bands or sunshine bands.
  • On occasions as specified by Adventurer staff officers

Girls Uniform

  • Navy Blue Jumper (V-Neck)
  • Light Blue “Peter Pan” Blouse
  • Navy Blue Sash
  • Navy Blue Beret w/ World Patch
  • Adventurer Burgundy  Scarf
  • Adventurer Slide
  • Navy Blue Tights
  • Black Shoes

Boys Uniform

  • Navy Blue Pants
  • Light Blue Shirt
  • Navy Blue Sash
  • No Hat
  • Adventurer Burgundy Scarf
  • Eager Beaver Slide
  • Navy Blue Socks
  • Black Shoes
  • Navy Blue Tie

Field Uniform (Type B)

Field uniform for the Adventurers and staff is a T-shirt and blue jeans. Each club may create its own design for field uniform T-shirts and sweatshirts. A few suggestions for designs on T-shirts are:

  • Adventurer logo
  • Local club logo
  • Adventurer and local club logo