
Welcome To Builder Class!

A course of study designed for children 8 years of age or in third grade where they learn to build christian character and strong bodies for Jesus.

Program Goals

1. Demonstrate God’s love for children.

2. Promote the values expressed in the Adventurer Pledge and Law.

3. Create an environment where all children can contribute.

4. Encourage children to have fun.

Investiture Requirements


Recite the Adventurer Pledge and Law
Explain the Pledge
Complete the Builder Reading award.


I. God’s Plan To Save Me

Create a story chart or lap-book showing the order in which these stories took place:

  • Paul—The disciples share Jesus’ love
  • Martin Luther–Gods church obeys
  • Ellen White–God’s church prepares for His coming
  • Yourself–I get ready to meet Jesus

   Use your story chart or lap-book to show someone how to give their life to Jesus.

II. God’s  Message To Me

A. Find, memorize, and explain three Bible verses about giving your life to

  • Acts 16:31
  • John 1:12
  • Galatians 3:26
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • Psalm 51:10
  • Your choice

B. Name the books of the New Testament

III. God’s Power in My Life

A. Spend a regular quiet time with Jesus to talk with Him and learn about Him.

B. Complete the Prayer award.


I. I Am Special

Put together a scrapbook, poster, or collage, showing some things you can do to serve God and others.

II. I Can Make Wise Choices

A. Complete the Media Critic Award.

B. Participate in an activity that shows the results of good and bad decisions

II. I Can Care For My Body
    Complete the Temperance Award.


I. I Have A Family

A. Create a family flag or banner or make a collage of stories and/or photographs about your family.

B. Find a story in the Bible about a family that changed.

II. Families Care For Each Other

Play a game by having each family member show appreciation to each of the other members of the family.

III. My Family Helps Me Care For Myself

Complete the Wise Steward Award.


I. The World of Friends

Make friends with a person of another culture or generation, or someone who has a disability.

Invite that person to a family or church event.

II. The World of Other People

A. Know and explain your national anthem and flag.

B. Name your country’s capital, and the leader of your country.

III. The World of Nature

Complete an Award for nature, not previously earned.

Additional Builder Awards